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Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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170 lines
Formatted output IPC Server Module
This program is a Server for IPC that both provides a demonstration of
technique and has a useful function. It accepts a message containing
numeric, character and string items, together with appropriate
format-specifying items, and generates a formatted output string. This
string may be sent to the server's own console window, or may be returned
to the client, or may be written to a supplied file handle.
This server avoids each module having to have its own output mechanisms.
In a lot of cases -- error messages and so on -- it will probably be
convenient to send reports (suitably tagged with an identifying string) to
the common FormatServer window. Where a module does need its own window it
still does not have to be burdened with the space needed for 'printf' if it
uses this server.
The IPCPort served by this module is named "Print_Format". Only one
IPCMessage ID ('CNVA'), as described below, is handled by this version
(except for 'QUIT'), but there can be many variations on the items
included, to determine the contents, format, and destination of the output
The server will run until either it is sent a 'QUIT' message by any client,
or the number of current clients drops to zero (from non-zero, so that it
doesn't terminate if there are initially no clients). It will also
terminate immediately if the user gives the process a ctrl-C break.
Message Format:
The IPCMessage Type ID accepted by FormatServer is 'CNVA' ("CoNVert to
Ascii"). It may contain an arbitrary number of items. Optionally, the
first may be a "disposition control" item (see below); if it is absent, the
formatted string will be displayed in the FormatServer console window.
Items to be formatted may be of the following types:
INTG -- ii_Ptr contains a 32-bit integer value to be converted to
its ASCII representation (ii_Size = 0).
REAL -- ii_Ptr contains a 32-bit floating-point value to be
converted (ii_Size = 0). (Note -- care will be needed
when inserting the original 'float' value into ii_Ptr, to
make sure that the compiler doesn't apply an unintended
conversion! FormatServer converts the supplied value to
'double' and uses the "%g" format to output it.)
TEXT -- equivalent IDs representing ASCII strings to be inserted in
the output. (Although FormatServer treats them equivalently,
they may have different meanings in other environments: in
particular, LINE is a conplete single line of text without
its terminating newline, TEXT is an arbitrary block of text
that may contain newline characters, and STRG is possibly a
partial line.)
CHAR -- A single ASCII character (in the least-significant byte of
ii_Ptr; ii_Size = 0).
If no format-specifying items are supplied, default formats are used ("%ld"
for integer, "%g" for floats (cast to double by FormatServer), "%s" for
strings, and "%c" for characters). For further control, you can either
prefix an item with a single-item format string, or include a multi-item
format specification.
PAT1 -- ii_Ptr points to a "printf" type format string containing
exactly one conversion specifier, which must be appropriate
for the immediately following item. Aside from the single
specifier that must be present, the contents of the string
are arbitrary.
PATS -- ii_Ptr points to a format string that contains conversion
specifiers for ALL the remaining items in the message; no
other format or extraneous item may appear after this. There
is no check that the number of items matches the number of
specifiers; any unmatched items won't be converted; extra
specifiers will produce garbage.
There is one restriction on this form: REAL items cannot
be included (because there is no easy way to do the
conversion to double on individual items of a set -- all
other types are passed as 32-bit quantities); use PAT1
instead, which does not have this restriction.
As stated earlier, by default the converted string is displayed in the
FormatServer window, but if the first item is one of the following the
destination will be changed appropriately.
RETS -- (RETurn String) When the message is replied to the client
(successfully), this item will contain a pointer to a data
block containing the converted string. The client can
select one of two possible options for the source of this
data block: a) if the original message contains a non-NULL
ii_Ptr value, the converted string will be placed at that
address, PROVIDED that the supplied value of ii_Size is
large enough to hold it; otherwise the item will be flagged
IPC_FAILED | IPC_NOTKNOWN and no conversion will be done;
b) if the supplied ii_Ptr value is NULL, a suitably large
block of memory will be allocated for the string; the item
will be flagged IPC_TRANSFER to indicate that the Client
MUST dispose of the memory block when done.
FILH -- (FILe Handle) If present, this must have a valid AmigaDOS
file handle in ii_Ptr (ii_Size = 0). The converted string
will be written to this file (which might for instance be
the Client's Output() console or file). (Note that under
AmigaDOS multiple processes can write to a single file
handle without problems; the system takes care of locking.)
It is possible for both RETS and FILH itmes to be included in the message,
in which case both paths will be used; if either is present, no output ever
is sent to the FormatServer window. There cannot be more than one of each
kind of item, though. It is actually not necessary that they be the first
items, but that is the preferred position for clarity.
Any item Ids other than those mentioned above will be ignored, UNLESS they
appear in positions following a format item (PAT1 or PATS) where a value is
expected, in which case an error will be flagged and no conversion will be
A message sent to FormatServer containing
ipc_Id CNVA
ipc_ItemCount 4
item 1 ii_Id RETS
ii_Size 0 (will be set to block size on return)
ii_Ptr NULL (will point to data block on return)
item 2 ii_Id PAT1
ii_Size 0 (indicates MYOB to server)
ii_Ptr pointer to string "Test line #%3d "
item 3 ii_Id INTG
ii_Size 0
ii_Ptr 1 (some integer value)
item 4 ii_Id STRG
ii_Size 0
ii_Ptr pointer to string "...that's it\n"
would return
"Test line # 1 ...that's it"
to the client.
Note the use of 0 values for string sizes; this is permissible where the
pointer is to a client-owned area of memory that the server must not alter;
the size field WOULD be necessary if the item was being passed to a more
general server, or the server was to take over management of the item --
then of course the block would also have to be in public memory. The
ii_Size field in any case does NOT represent the length of the string
itself: if non-zero it would represent the data-block containing the
string, which could be considerably bigger than the string.
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